Wednesday, November 2, 2016

of 12 attractions in Pekalongan that is Much visited by tourists

    of 12 attractions in Pekalongan who visited Wisataan, the most beautiful tourist attractions-Pekalongan is a Regency and city names are in Central Java. The city and County of Pekalongan is located berimpitan, the city of Pekalongan is next to the North while the South of Pekalongan Regency. Pekalongan district bordering the Java Sea to the North, a Batang Regency in the East, Bajarnegara in the South and West of Pemalang Regency.

    Pekalongan became one of the centers of batik manufacturers are quite popular. Pekalongan became one of the flagship products batik from Batik Solo in addition to Central Java. Pekalongan Batik is already a lot for sale in various areas in Indonesia, besides many travelers from outside the region that brought souvenirs of this as material Pekalongan souvenirs. In addition to the famous batik, Pekalongan is also famous with its famous destinations. In this article we will discuss some of the tourist attractions that are located both in the town of Pekalongan or entered in the administrative area of Pekalongan. Here are the 12 sights in Pekalongan that is Much visited by tourists.

1. Golden sand beach

    Pekalongan is a city and a seaport in avitta Java. It also leads in the town of Pekalongan has some of potential coastal tourist destinations to serve as tourist attractions. One of the attractions of the beach in the town of Pekalongan is a Golden sand beach. The beach is not far from the city of Pekalongan, that is only about 4 km from the Centre of Pekalongan. Golden sand beach looks pretty neat because there is a stone wall already built. Golden sand beach complex also made miniature seaword where inside there is an aquarium and a collection of marine life.

2. Beach Slamaran

    Tours Slamaran Beach Pekalongan is located not far from the Golden sand beach. Both are only separated by the harbor. A view on the beach of Slamaran is also similar in the sand on a beach because Slamaran Kencana is also the border of surf, built of stone. But the difference is on the coast of Slamaran there is no nautical tourism in the form of a miniature Sea World. On the beach there are Slamaran trust from the public about the existence of a "caretaker" i.e. Beach Goddess Lanjar. At certain times you might find visitors who are conducting a ritual homage to Goddess Lanjar.

3. the Depok Beach

    Shore excursions in Pekalongan is Depok beach. Depok Beach offers spectacular views of nature that very exotic form of unspoiled beaches and nearby many ditmbuhi of Palm Grove trees. Waves on the attractions of Pekalongan Depok beach is very quiet so suitable when used together on the beach to swim. Depok beach is in a village called Village, Depok Subdistrict, Pekalongan Regency Borassus Flabellifer.

4. Beach Wonokerto

    Another one of the attractions of the beach in Pekalongan that deserves to be visited namely Beach Wonokerto. The beach has its own beauty Wonokerto i.e. pemanangan a beautiful sunset. In addition in this coastal area Wonokerto jugaterdapat a fish auction. So if you are lucky you can find a lot of fish traders who sell the fish directly from local fishermen. At certain moments on the beach event was organized nyadran as a form of gratitude the fishermen over the results of the sea.

5. the Curug Muncar

    There are countless curug found in Java. Some of them have the same name. As an example is in Pekalongan there Curug called Curug Muncar. Tourist destinations Pekalongan Curug Muncar has similarity with the name Curug Muncar contained in Purworejo. Curug Muncar in Pekalongan there at an altitude of 1,249 mdpl where there are panoramic views of the surrounding snagat exotic Rogojembangan mountain slopes. The location of this exactly is Muncar Curug village Curug Muncar, district Petungkriyono Pekalongan.

6. Squirrel Curug

    Not far from the Curug Muncar, still in Petungkriyono Subdistrict, there is another form of tourism curug i.e. Curug Squirrel. Curug Squirrel at the village of Tlogopakis. Curug Squirrel is at an altitude of 1300 mdpl. The height of the curug itself is approximately 70 meters high limayan, isn't it? However it is a tourist location in Pekalongan are still quite naturally, not much done development on this tour, so not many visitors who trickle in. Only local visitors from Pekalongan himself who trickle in.

7. Peak Hanuman

    In Pekalongan, there is a mountain called Mount Kendalisodo. This mountain has a peak named Tailings Hanuman with an altitude of 1,697 mdpl. It was not too high for the size of mountains on the island of Java, but to climb the peak Hanuman was quite challenging because you had to go through a steep path. Arriving in Tailings hanman you can enjoy the beautiful landscape is equipped with cool air.

8. Mount Rogojembangan

    Well, for those of you who like mountain climbing, in addition to the peak of Mount Kendalisodo Hanuman, you can also climb Mount linnya in Pekalongan Gunung Rogojembangan. Climbing Mount Rogojembangan can be started from the village of Gumelem Subdistrict, Pekalongan Regency Patungkriyono. Rogojembangan mountain is a mountain located on the border of Pekalongan Regency and Banjarnegara district where the highest peak reaching 2,117 mdpl. Magnificent scenery, jam on the slopes of Mount Rogojembangan is also seklaian you can visit the Curug Muncar residing in lerengnya.

9. The tourist Beautiful Linggo

    One of the destinations in Pekalongan that is also very ternal as family tour is a tourist area in the Beautiful Linggo. There is a wide selection of tours that are offered in this tourist area like rafting or white water rafting, trekking, flying fox, outbound, playground, mini zoo etc. Location of Linggo Asri residing in the hills adds to be cool and beautiful. Tourist area in the village of Asri Linggo Linggo Asri Subdistrict kajen Pekalongan, more people are Beautiful with Linggo menyebt stands for "LA".

10. Village Lolong

    Attractions in Pekalongan on next is tourism village Cried. Village Tourism can be categorized as a adventure tours since that became pre-eminent in the tourist village of Lolong is Rafting on the river Singkarang. Singkarang River is a river which crosses the village of Lolong, where the river has clear water as well as the current quite profusely. When durian season, in the village of Lolong countless durian because it was found in the village, many residents who are cultivating durian. If you are interested, you can try coming in the tourist village Lolong, Karanganyar Regency Pekalongan.

11. Batik Museum

    As we tell them at the beginning that the famous Batik Pekalongan Specifically named Pekalongan Batik. Pekalongan is a cultural inheritance sudha there since the first secure and made hereditary until now. Because tu Pekalongan Batik is recognized as an international City. Therefore it is extremely reasonable when in the city built a Museum. In the Batik Museum in Pekalongan kept a collection of as many as 1149 batik as well as various kinds of objects related to batik batik making tools including itself.

12. the International Batik Center

    After seeing the wide range of collections of batik in Batik Museum, it felt incomplete if it does not bring batik as souvenirs typical of Pekalongan. To obtain an item that is great with a wide variety of choices, you should try to visit the International Batik Center. In the International Batik Center it sold a wide range of collections of Batik Pekalongan ari not only itself but also the collection from other regions such as Cirebon, Solo etc. The location of the International Batik Center is on the road with Yani Number 573 Wiradesa, Kabupaten Pekalongan.

    Such information about the killings of the 12 attractions in Pekalongan that is Much visited by tourists. We believe the potential of tourism in the town of Pekalongan Regency and not just a holiday 12 places above. But no doubt many other Pekalongan Tourism when developed can be the object of lively wsiata visited by tourists.

of 12 attractions in Pekalongan that is Much visited by tourists Rating: 5.0 Diposkan Oleh: ArulAjeh


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